Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's a GRIL....

I mean, IT'S A GIRL!!! Sergio has told me all along that I need to have a girl because I am "out of numbers." Translation- out numbered. Tonight he told me that I am half way to being "in numbers." If this little girl entertains us half as much as the two crazy boys we already have, we are in for quite a lifetime...


  1. YYYYEEEEEAAAAAAA!!!!!! I can't believe your order was filled. Someone "up there" must really love you and be aware of you.:) All my kids are so special to me, but I really really wanted Bailey to be a girl, so when I found out she was, I felt very loved! I'm so so excited for you.
    How's the first half week without Marc?

  2. That is so exciting!! Time to start thinking pink! Congratulations.


  3. Yay! I love having a girl -- but one girl is definitely worth many boys (in my case six!) I can't wait to see her.

  4. woop woop! So excited for you all. Caleb wants this one to be a girl...called ted! Sergio makes me laugh with his little sayings, I can just imagine him saying that in his little english accent! How are you doing? Marks away right? Ugh, hope the time goes quickly for you. Love ya, beckyx
