Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Stoopid projects...."

On the movie Meet The Robinsons, which I highly recommend, one of the kids is always keeping the other kid awake working on inventions. I love how the little kid complains and says that he was awake all night because of those "stoopid projects." There is just something in the way that he emphasizes the word stupid.
Well, today I did about five "stoopid projects". Some were small and a couple were bigger. I cannot find the cord for uploading pictures from our camera, but when Marc finally gets home this weekend, I will post some pictures. I have finished quite a few projects while he was gone this month. I recovered our dining room chairs, redid an old desk for a changing table, redecorated the boys' bedroom, painted two dressers for the nursery, repainted a high-chair, and lots of little projects to make our house more me.
I am once again swearing off projects. I think that I inhaled too much spray paint today and need to go rest...................

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pictures! I love that you Merrill's are so crafty!
