Monday, February 1, 2010

"It doesn't have to be perfect..."

thought you would like to know.......
I have been talking to Giovanni about not having to have things perfect. You have to understand that he is almost a clone of his father. They can be a bit OCD about certain things. So I have been talking to Giovanni about not stressing about things being perfect. I have told him that his bed doesn't have to be made perfectly straight and flat. We have talked about lots of things that aren't perfect, but we can do a good job. Marc has been gone for the month for some training which culminates this week with two big tests. Well, it was Giovanni's turn for prayers tonight. This is what he said, "Please bless Dad on his test. Help him to get some answers right, and some answers wrong. It doesn't have to be perfect." So, after that all I can say is GOOD LUCK to Marc.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahaha! I love it. (and congrats to Marc, since I heard he passed both tests!)
